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New posts in text-mining

Search for mispellings of a word in a character vector with R - "inverse" spell checker

Is there any Part-Of-Speech tagger in C#? [closed]

RTextTools create_matrix returns non-character argument error

r text-mining

phonetic spelling in Python and Java [closed]

How to extract only person A's statements in a conversation between two persons A and B

Create_Analytics in RTextTools

R: split text with multiple regex patterns and exceptions

regex r text-mining strsplit

Is there any best practice to prepare features for text-based classification?

Use scikit-learn TfIdf with gensim LDA

How to classify new documents with tf-idf?

Bytes vs Characters vs Words - which granularity for n-grams?

Quotes and hyphens not removed by tm package functions while cleaning corpus

r text-mining tm

Error faced while using TM package's VCorpus in R

r text-mining tm text-analysis

create a Corpus from many html files in R

Wordcloud with a specific shape [closed]

r text-mining word-cloud

How to access Wikipedia from R?

R, merge multiple rows of text data frame into one cell

r merge text-mining

Text Categorization in R

r text text-mining tm

Treat words separated by space in the same manner

r text-mining tm corpus

Font issue on Ubuntu machine in parsing PDF File