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avoid code duplication on multiple c++ template spezialization [duplicate]

avoid constructor duplication in template specialization

function with nested variadic template

How do default template arguments work?

How can I templatize a function without repeating code but only changing the parsing function?

c++ templates

How can I write a definition of function declared in template class returning pointer to struct object?

c++ templates

How to convert function which ignores parameter in c++11?

c++ c++11 templates lambda c++14

std::conditional in nested template class

C++: implicit casting in templates, why it does not work?

c++ templates casting

operator + and float argument

c++ templates

Golang html/templates : ParseFiles with custom Delims

angularjs templates go

Ways to generalize C++ code with different similar types

c++ templates c++11 c++14

C++ template metaprogramming: constexpr function

C++ template for all pointers and template for all arrays

c++ templates pointers

How to make Android Studio use my build.gradle template for a new project?

decltype(auto) in member function ignores invalid body, decltype(expr) fails

c++ templates c++11 c++14

passing parameters from a Visual Studio Item Template to the generated item

xml visual-studio templates

Including template code in multiple compilation units, will it always link without inline?

c++ templates linker

Mapping const char * to duck-typed T at compile-time or run-time

c++ templates c++11

Why must I create a type alias when using a variadic constructor function?