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New posts in tablesorter

Using jQuery TableSorter to Sort Columns Containing Drop-down (SELECT) Tags and Dollar Signs ($)

Filter Widget from tablesorter doesn't work

Table Sorting with muticolumn header and body values using table sorter

jquery tablesorter

jQuery tablesorter plugin column width incorrect in IE7

Jquery Tablesorter sort same column after update

jQuery Table sorter: stop sorting

Using jQuery tableSorter plugin with Angularjs

angularjs tablesorter

jQuery: force display of modified dom

jQuery tablesorter issue - sorting with rowspan

How can I make table being capable of sorting with Twitter Bootstrap?

Jquery Tablesorter not working! What's wrong with that?

jquery tablesorter

tablesorter with two header rows

JQuery Tablesorter clear table information

jquery tablesorter

tablesorter pager initial pagination

How to hide the column-toggle button from the table?

Custom Parser for jQuery Tablesorter

jquery tablesorter

Getting column number from td

jquery tablesorter ajax table only sorting one direction

How can I sort columns having input elements?