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Is there a name for this syntax getSomeValues()[0]?

What is the Java equivalent of Perl's qq operator?

Actionscript variable declared as * (star) type

most effective way to determine a control's type in C#/WPF

c# wpf syntax types

Recursive Descent Parser for EBNF in PHP

Setting multiple properties at once in Powershell

syntax powershell

JavaScript code conventions - variable declaration [closed]

Every "setter" method requires a "getter" method in Scala?

scala syntax setter getter

Syntax error (missing operator) in MS-Access Query

sql ms-access syntax

Why do declarations following conditions of control structures need to be in a block?

java syntax

A typedef function as a parameter of another function

c syntax

How to create a glossary in Sphinx?

what does [sock] = func() mean?

python syntax tornado

What is the name of this syntax "(x, y)"?

javascript syntax

SCHEME | lambda vs λ?

syntax lambda scheme racket

What is the reason to add quotation marks around R function names?

r function syntax

When to include apostrophe in clojure require?

syntax clojure

What is the purpose of the "class << Class" (angle brackets) syntax?

ruby class syntax

RAML 1.0 - Multiple Examples for a Single Response

syntax raml

Why are the 'dereference' and the 'address of' operators on the left?