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What is the name of this C# syntax?

Combined "Check Add or Fetch" from Dictionary

Python: What does the use of [] mean here?

Is this a valid C command/instruction?

c syntax

Multiple variables in Foreach loop [PowerShell]

Any method to write Ruby without adding "end"? [closed]

ruby syntax

JS - Create object shorthand

javascript syntax shorthand

Jenkins - Build job monthly or weekly

syntax jenkins cron

Invalid syntax on importing nltk in python 2.7

PHP, C++, etc. syntax explanation

What does brackets and parentheses after jquery selector mean?

javascript jquery syntax

What does this line mean in CSS?

Is there syntax for creating [Maybe a] analog, but of kind (* -> *)

What do !== and === mean in PHP? [duplicate]

php syntax operator-keyword

PHP - indent block of html

Where are the parameters of this function?

c++ c syntax declaration

Haskell - Lambda calculus equivalent syntax?

What's the feature in Ruby that allows "p *1..10" to print out the numbers 1-10?

ruby syntax splat

Obscure conditional Java Syntax

difference between (a -> a) and a -> a