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What does it mean += in Python?

python syntax

PowerShell 3.0 is supposed to have cleaner syntax, what does it look like?

Is there a VB.NET "With" statement in C#? [duplicate]

c# vb.net syntax

How are if statements in C syntactically unambiguous?

c syntax lexical-analysis

How to initialize datetime 0000-00-00 00:00:00 in Python?

python datetime syntax

Julia ternary operator without `else`

Python test for a url and image type

python syntax

PHP or HTML first or does it matter?

php html syntax tags

Can we use PHP iF Statements in <<<EOD syntax code [closed]

php syntax

Why breaks 'console.log' inside a stateless function expression?

What's the syntax for variables in an MSSQL stored procedure?

sql-server syntax

Wget recognizes some part of my URL address as a syntax error

html syntax save wget

Break inside switch Cannot Terminate FOR Loop [duplicate]

c# syntax switch-statement

Confused by shorthand syntax: x > 0 ? 1 : -1;

Why does C++ still have a delete[] AND a delete operator? [closed]

Smartest way to initialize an array in CoffeeScript

syntax coffeescript

Dim X as New Y vs. Dim X as Y = New Y()

.net vb.net syntax

What is better java syntax: if (isSomething() == false) { or if (!isSomething()) { [closed]

java syntax coding-style

Performing an if statement on each row in R

function r syntax apply

What does a questionmark (?) mean in a function declaration in C# [duplicate]

c# syntax nullable