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New posts in swiperefreshlayout

How to pass int array of color resource ids from array.xml to SwipeRefreshLayout.setColorSchemeResources

SwipeRefreshLayout pull multiple times behaviour (SDK 23)

Recycler view not scrolling properly after implementing swipe to refresh layout

SwipeRefreshLayout - swipe down to refresh but not move the view pull down

scrolling up in webview causes refresh by SwipeRefreshLayout

SyncAdapter always in pending state

Toolbar not showing with swipe to refresh

AppBarLayout + TabLayout + CollapsingToolbarLayout + SwipeToRefresh

RecyclerView in SwipeRefreshLayout not "wrap_content"

Make a custom SwipeRefreshLayout Indicator?

SwipeRefreshLayout: Swipe progress animation

SwipeRefreshLayout refresh animation doesn't stop

SwipeRefreshLayout loader not going up when pull down android

Can't scroll in a ListView in a swipeRefreshLayout

SwipeRefreshLayout on a LinearLayout?

SwipeRefreshLayout intercepts with ViewPager

Android support v4 SwipeRefreshLayout empty view issue

SwipeRefreshLayout in API 21

SwiperefreshLayout in Android

IllegalArgumentException: pointerIndex out of range from SwipeRefreshLayout