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New posts in swiperefreshlayout

How to adjust the swipe down distance in SwipeRefreshLayout?

Inflating class android.support.v4.widget.SwipeRefreshLayout

SwipeRefreshLayout with NestedScrollView and LinearLayout

SwipeRefreshLayout - Pull From Bottom

How to use the SwipeRefreshLayout?

SwipeRefreshLayout with scrollView and Layout above

SwipeRefreshLayout + WebView when scroll position is at top

SwipeRefreshLayout behind ActionBar

How to set SwipeRefreshLayout refreshing property using android data binding?

SwipeRefreshLayout disable drag animation on swipe down

Scroll up does not work with SwipeRefreshLayout in Listview

Android: CoordinatorLayout and SwipeRefreshLayout

HorizontalScrollView inside SwipeRefreshLayout

RecyclerView and SwipeRefreshLayout

Android: CollapsingToolbarLayout and SwipeRefreshLayout get stuck

SwipeRefreshLayout trigger programmatically

When switch fragment with SwipeRefreshLayout during refreshing, fragment freezes but actually still work

How to disable "pull to refresh" action and use only indicator?

SwipeRefreshLayout + ViewPager, limit horizontal scroll only?

SwipeRefreshLayout setRefreshing() not showing indicator initially