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how to produce a sweave document without angle bracket ">" in front of code chunks?

r latex sweave

Appending % sign in output of prop.table

r sweave

R: Print two tables with xtable ()

r sweave

Run Sweave or knitr with objects from existing R session

r sweave knitr

Split xtable ouput into sub tables

r sweave

Control width of knitr output for columns in sweave documents

r knitr sweave

What is a null graphics device?

r plot graphics sweave par

ggplot2 plot fill page in landscape (pdf)

r ggplot2 knitr sweave

Displaying errors with sweave

r latex stderr sweave

how can I suppress output from Sweave that is not suppressed by echo=FALSE?

r latex sweave

Can I suppress the arrow (">") in the R/S output in Sweave?

r latex sweave

Make Sweave or knitr put graphics suffix in `\includegraphics{}`

r latex sweave knitr

Proofreading the PDF of a book, thesis, or report derived from a large multi-file Sweave project

r sweave

What exactly does R CMD Sweave --pdf do?

r sweave

Combining several regression tables into one for use in xtable with Sweave in R

r sweave xtable

Error when compiling pdf using knitr in rstudio

r knitr sweave rstudio

easiest way to write a title page to pdf without Sweave

r pdf sweave

How can I set the latex path for sweave in R?

r rstudio knitr sweave pdflatex

Sweave v. Knitr v. Rmarkdown: code chunk headers

r r-markdown knitr sweave

How to save a layered pdf in R (via Sweave?)

r pdf latex sweave