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New posts in svn-update

How to switch repositories in Android Studio?

SVN Update fails due to folders with same name, just different case

How do I force revert back so a specific revision number using command line SVN?

svn trac svn-update

SharpSVN doesn't update files

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Why do I have to routinely Clean one particular project in Eclipse?

How to fetch a Subversion external without fetching all other directories and subdirectories

Some of selected resources were not cleaned. svn: E155032: Pristine text not found

svn svn-update

How can I get SVN to take a specific resolution for all binary conflicts without prompting me for each one?

svn conflict svn-update

SVN unversioned directory with same name already exists

svn revert svn-update

Update to a particular revision in SVN?

svn svn-update

Force SVN update / checkout to overwrite local files

SVN strategy using branches, and merging changes from trunk into branch

Change depth in existing SVN working copy without redownloading

What's the git equivalent of "svn update -r"?