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New posts in svn-merge

SVN 1.8 merge (branch reuse) seems broken when having local mergeinfo

SVN merge from trunk to branch results in tree conflicts

svn merge svn-merge

Subversive: svn: E195016: Cannot merge into a working copy with a switched subtree

Excluding files on a branch merge with subversion

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Tortoise SVN Merge "@### must be ancestrally related to @###" Error

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merge 2 svn branches together

svn merge svn-merge

Undo an undesired merge in SVN

Subversion merge info, how important is it?

svn svn-merge

svnmerge workflow

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Is it possible to replace TortoiseSVN's merge algorithm with a "better" one?

"The system cannot find the file specified" when invoking subprocess.Popen in python

python svn-merge

SVN Merge conflict during commit

Detecting branch reintegration or merge in pre-commit script

svn merge with --reintegrate complains about missing ranges but mergeinfo seems correct

svn svn-merge

Commits and merges on SVN subdirectories considered harmful?

SVN: Create a branch from branch and merge to trunk

svn svn-merge

Subversion can't merge after a move

svn svn-merge

SVN strategy using branches, and merging changes from trunk into branch