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New posts in super

How does multiple inheritance work with the super() and different __init__() arguments?

Inheriting from a namedtuple base class

Why do we have to use the __dunder__ methods instead of operators when calling via super?

python super

what does super() do without any arguments?

Meaning of Super Keyword [closed]

java android super

In python, super() is always called first in a method. Are there situations where it should be called later?

python super

Python super() arguments: why not super(obj)?

python inheritance super

Python super() behavior not dependable

Is super() broken in Python-2.x? [closed]

Equivalent of Super Keyword in C#

java c# super base

When calling super() in a derived class, can I pass in self.__class__? [duplicate]

python python-2.7 super

What exactly is super in Objective-C?

Python's Multiple Inheritance: Picking which super() to call

Python, Overriding an inherited class method

How does Python's "super" do the right thing?

Python super method and calling alternatives

python class super

How to call super method from grandchild class?

Bounding generics with 'super' keyword

super() and @staticmethod interaction

What is a real life example of generic <? super T>?