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New posts in suffix-tree

Matches overlapping lookahead on LZ77/LZSS with suffix trees

Short, Java implementation of a suffix tree and usage?

Suffix trees in javascript?

javascript suffix-tree

Given a string, find all its permutations that are a word in dictionary

Efficient String/Pattern Matching in C++ (suffixarray, trie, suffixtree?)

Is it possible to count the number of distinct substrings in a string in O(n)?

Successive adding of char to get the longest word in the dictionary [closed]

Generating suffix tree of string S[2..m] from suffix tree of string S[1..m]

how to get longest repeating string in substring from suffix tree

Finding the Longest Common Substring in a Large Data Set

suffix tree implementation in python [closed]

python suffix-tree

Effcient way to find longest duplicate string for Python (From Programming Pearls)

Ukkonen's algorithm for Generalized Suffix Trees

algorithm suffix-tree

Longest Non-Overlapping Repeated Substring using Suffix Tree/Array (Algorithm Only)

Looking for the suffix tree implementation in C#?

Finding the longest repeated substring

Suffix Arrays vs Suffix Trees

Understanding Ukkonen's algorithm for suffix trees [duplicate]

How and when to create a suffix link in suffix tree?

algorithm suffix-tree

String analysis