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New posts in suffix-array

Good pedagogical ressources on suffix arrays


Suffix array beginning using scala

string scala suffix-array

Kasai Algorithm for Constructing LCP-Array Practical Example

Using suffix array algorithm for Burrows Wheeler transform

Constructing a Good Suffix Table - Understanding an example

suffix-array boyer-moore

Efficient String/Pattern Matching in C++ (suffixarray, trie, suffixtree?)

strcmp for python or how to sort substrings efficiently (without copy) when building a suffix array

Errata in the original paper on suffix arrays?

Suffix array nlogn creation

Shortest uncommon substring: shortest substring of one string, that is not a substring of another string

Effcient way to find longest duplicate string for Python (From Programming Pearls)

How to sort array suffixes in block sorting

Longest Non-Overlapping Repeated Substring using Suffix Tree/Array (Algorithm Only)

Finding the longest repeated substring

Suffix Arrays vs Suffix Trees

What's the current state-of-the-art suffix array construction algorithm?


Suffix Array Algorithm