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Can I use template haskell to define missing functions?

Haskell: TVar: orElse

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Does reading a TChan result in blocking or polling?

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Optimistic reads and Locking STM (Software Transactional Memory) with C/C++

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Using STM and Database transactions together

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How to implement the equivalent of Go's select statement for Haskell STM channels?

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How can I see the number of rollbacks in my STM in Clojure?

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How to discover if a transaction is frequently aborting?

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How do nested dosync calls behave?

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Haskell code littered with TVar operations and functions taking many arguments: code smell?

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What algorithms are used in Clojure, Haskell (and other languages) for STM?

How should I make a clojure STM program persistent?

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How does Clojure STM differ from Haskell STM?

Concurrent generic data structure without deadlocks or resource starvation

When/why use an MVar over a TVar

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Difference between TVar and TMVar

haskell concurrency stm

One processing conduit, 2 IO sources of the same type

Any Real-World Experience Using Software Transactional Memory? [closed]