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Can one monitor STM's contention level?

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Haskell: TVar: Preventing starvation

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Strange behavior of clojure ref

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Can Clojure's STM's history of values be accessed?

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Experiences with Clojure STM for large datasets?

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Is it safe to use trace inside a STM stransaction?

haskell stm

Are TChan writes integrated into Haskell STM?

haskell stm

Use of agents to complete side-effects in STM transactions

Haskell STM check function returning undefined

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deref inside a transaction may trigger a retry - what is the role of ref state history?

clojure stm

Why is the commute function called twice when changing a ref in Clojure?

clojure stm

Stop threads from interleaving output

Why does Scala fail to instantiate a Companion Object?

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Are there Clojure-like STM libraries for C

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Haskell: thread blocked indefinitely in an STM transaction

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Software transactional memory with a big, shared piece of data

haskell stm

Can this be done with STM?

haskell stm

Using TChan with Timeout

multithreading haskell stm

Haskell STM alwaysSucceeds

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How safe is `unsafePerformIO (newTVarIO 0)`?

haskell stm