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Haskell STM check function returning undefined





Is there a good reason why the check function in the Contol.Concurent.STM library has type Bool -> STM a and returns undefined on success rather then having the type Bool -> STM ()? The way it is implemented the type checker will polity compile a do block ending with check foo only to fail at runtime with *** Exception: Prelude.undefined.

like image 669
John F. Miller Avatar asked Dec 03 '11 01:12

John F. Miller

1 Answers

It looks like it's a placeholder definition for a GHC PrimOp, like the "definition" seq _ y = y that gets replaced by the compiler with the actual primitive implementation code. The PrimOp implementation of check takes an expression and adds it to a global list of invariants as described in the STM invariants paper.

Here's a super-contrived example modified from that paper to fit the new type of check:

import Control.Concurrent.STM

data LimitedTVar = LTVar { tvar  :: TVar Int
                         , limit :: Int

newLimitedTVar :: Int -> STM LimitedTVar
newLimitedTVar lim = do 
  tv <- newTVar 0
  return $ LTVar tv lim

incrLimitedTVar :: LimitedTVar -> STM ()
incrLimitedTVar (LTVar tv lim) = do
  val <- readTVar $ tv
  let val' = val + 1
  check (val' <= lim)
  writeTVar tv val'

test :: STM ()
test = do
  ltv <- newLimitedTVar 2
  incrLimitedTVar ltv -- should work
  incrLimitedTVar ltv -- should work still
  incrLimitedTVar ltv -- should fail; we broke the invariant

Realistically, this would be useful to assert invariants on shared state where failing the assertion might be a sign of a temporary inconsistency. You might then want to retry with the expectation of that invariant becoming true again eventually, but since this example winds up permanently breaking the invariant, it just calls retry forever and appears to hang. Check out the paper for much better examples, but keep in mind that the type has changed since its publication.

like image 71
acfoltzer Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09
