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Can I use Haskell's stack to compile and run _only_ the tests?

When I run a stack test or a stack test <package>:<test-suite> then the output looks something like:

package: configure (lib + exe + test)
package: build (lib + exe + test)
package: copy/register
package: test (suite: tests)

And it ends up basically compiling all my changes twice: once for the exe or lib and a second time for the test.

What I would like is a command like stack test --test-only that would produce something like:

package: configure (test)
package: build (test)
package: copy/register
package: test (suite: tests)

I have already looked through the available command line flags and stack documentation. I have also attempted a google search to see if anyone has talked about something similar.

So my questions are:
1. What is the best currently available way to compile and run only the tests? My best guess on this one is to try putting the tests in a separate cabal package.
2. Is there some reason why stack doesn't or couldn't do this?

like image 296
Myrn Avatar asked Oct 13 '16 19:10


People also ask

What does Stack exec do?

The stack exec command stack exec works by providing the same reproducible environment that was used to build your project to the command that you are running. Thus, it knew where to find helloworld-exe even though it is hidden in the . stack-work directory.

What is stack run?

[ development, mit, program ] [ Propose Tags ] Finds the project root, compiles your code and runs the first or set default executable. It's a shorthand for stack build && stack run executable , much like cabal run .

Where does stack install GHC?

In its default configuration, Stack will simply ignore any system GHC installation and use a sandboxed GHC that it has installed itself. You can find these sandboxed GHC installations in the ghc-* directories in the stack path --programs directory.

1 Answers

I have made some experiments using stack build <pkgname>:test:<testsuite> and found nothing really pleasing when you have all your app/src/main in one directory cabal-project.

Now I did not investigate if this is an issue due to stack using Cabal as a library or whether this is a stack issue.

here are a few issues that might be related

  • Turning on test coverage rebuilds all packages #1940
  • stack ghci foo:test:bar uses library dependencies unless --test is passed #1845
  • Allow stack test to skip certain test suites #1659
  • How to specify a subset of tests to run? #2519
  • "stack test " does not run tests? #1961

But I guess you'd have to file a bug if noone provides a better answer.

A possible but quite ugly solution (in my opinion) is to split test-suite, app and library into separate cabal projects - here is the example folder structure I used for testing.

├── stackapp            
│   ├── app             
│   │   └── Main.hs     
│   ├── ChangeLog.md    
│   ├── LICENSE         
│   ├── Setup.hs        
│   └── stackapp.cabal  
├── stacksrc            
│   ├── ChangeLog.md    
│   ├── LICENSE         
│   ├── Setup.hs        
│   ├── src             
│   │   └── Lib.hs      
│   └── stacksrc.cabal  
├── stacktest           
│   ├── ChangeLog.md    
│   ├── LICENSE         
│   ├── Setup.hs        
│   ├── src             
│   ├── stacktest.cabal 
│   └── tst             
│       └── Spec.hs     
└── stack.yaml  


resolver: lts-7.3

- './stacksrc'
- './stacktest'
- './stackapp'
extra-deps: []
flags: {}
extra-package-dbs: []

Note that you need to include a "dummy" library section in order to make it compile, cabal is picky about cabal files that have neither lib nor exe part.


  -- dummy
  build-depends:       base >=4.9 && <4.10
  hs-source-dirs:      src
  default-language:    Haskell2010

test-suite tests
  type:          exitcode-stdio-1.0
  main-is:       Spec.hs
  hs-source-dirs: tst
  build-depends: base
               , stacksrc
               , hspec
               , hspec-expectations-pretty-diff

  default-language: Haskell2010

Then you can modify tests and run stack stacktests:test:tests without rebuilding the lib and/or the app part, but stack is intelligent enough designed to rebuild the lib part if you change it before you run the tests.


For future reference here is a link to the opened ticket:

To use stack to compile and run only the tests #2710

like image 55
epsilonhalbe Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 20:09
