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How do I test for an error in Haskell?

I want to be able to make sure a function will throw an error when it receives and invalid value. For example, let says I have a function pos that only returns a positive number:

pos :: Int -> Int
pos x
   | x >= 0 = x
   | otherwise = error "Invalid Input"

This is a simplistic example, but I hope you get the idea.

I want to be able to write a test case that will expect an error and consider it a passing test. For example:

tests = [pos 1 == 1, assertError pos (-1), pos 2 == 2, assertError pos (-2)]
runTests = all (== True) tests

[My Solution]

This is what I ended up going with based on @hammar's comment.

instance Eq ErrorCall where
    x == y = (show x) == (show y)

assertException :: (Exception e, Eq e) => e -> IO a -> IO ()
assertException ex action =
    handleJust isWanted (const $ return ()) $ do
        assertFailure $ "Expected exception: " ++ show ex
  where isWanted = guard . (== ex) 

assertError ex f = 
    TestCase $ assertException (ErrorCall ex) $ evaluate f

tests = TestList [ (pos 0) ~?= 0
                 , (pos 1) ~?= 1
                 , assertError "Invalid Input" (pos (-1))

main = runTestTT tests
like image 446
Joe Hillenbrand Avatar asked Nov 12 '12 19:11

Joe Hillenbrand

1 Answers

OP's solution defines assertException, but it looks like Test.HUnit.Tools.assertRaises from testpack is also usable here.

I added the msg argument to assertError to match how assertRaises works, and included selective imports so noobs like me can learn where commonly used things are imported from.

import Control.Exception (ErrorCall(ErrorCall), evaluate)
import Test.HUnit.Base  ((~?=), Test(TestCase, TestList))
import Test.HUnit.Text (runTestTT)
import Test.HUnit.Tools (assertRaises)

pos :: Int -> Int
pos x
   | x >= 0 = x
   | otherwise = error "Invalid Input"

instance Eq ErrorCall where
    x == y = (show x) == (show y)

assertError msg ex f = 
    TestCase $ assertRaises msg (ErrorCall ex) $ evaluate f

tests = TestList [
  (pos 0) ~?= 0
  , (pos 1) ~?= 1
  , assertError "Negative argument raises an error" "Invalid Input" (pos (-1))

main = runTestTT tests
like image 57
akaihola Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09
