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Reusing MArray instances for a newtype

I have a dozen of newtypes like this:

newtype MyBool = MyBool Bool
newtype MyInt  = MyInt  Int

I want to reuse existing instances:

instance MArray IOUArray Int IO         where ...
instance MArray (STUArray s) Int (ST s) where ...

Implementing these instances and have all the boilerplate code is the last thing I want.

I found something that looks very close to what I am trying to achieve:

{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, StandaloneDeriving #-}

deriving instance MArray IOUArray MyInt IO      
deriving instance MArray (STUArray s) MyInt (ST s)  

However, it fails with:

Can't make a derived instance of ‘MArray IOUArray MyInt IO’
    (even with cunning GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving):
    cannot eta-reduce the representation type enough
In the stand-alone deriving instance for ‘MArray IOUArray MyInt IO’

How to make this work?

If not possible, what is the least painful way to get those instances?

like image 961
oshyshko Avatar asked Jan 01 '20 05:01


2 Answers

From the documentation:

We can even derive instances of multi-parameter classes, provided the newtype is the last class parameter.

Notice also that the order of class parameters becomes important, since we can only derive instances for the last one. If the StateMonad class above were instead defined as

class StateMonad m s | m -> s where ...

then we would not have been able to derive an instance for the Parser type above. We hypothesise that multi-parameter classes usually have one “main” parameter for which deriving new instances is most interesting.

Since the last class parameter in your case isn't Int/MyInt, but rather IO/ST s, you're out of luck with GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, unfortunately.

like image 140
Joseph Sible-Reinstate Monica Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 05:11

Joseph Sible-Reinstate Monica

Okay, you're kind of stuck here because some design choices in the array package have made it difficult, but here's one approach that may help minimize boilerplate.

You can introduce a type family to map your newtypes to their underlying representation:

type family UType e where
  UType MyBool = Bool
  UType MyInt = Int
  UType a = a    -- default for built-in types

and then introduce newtype variants of the IOUArray and STUArray array types:

newtype NTSTUArray s i e = NTSTUArray (STUArray s i (UType e))
newtype NTIOUArray i e = NTIOUArray (IOUArray i (UType e))

and use THESE to get appropriate MArray instances for your new types:

instance (MArray (STUArray s) (UType e) (ST s), Coercible e (UType e))
       => MArray (NTSTUArray s) e (ST s) where
  getBounds (NTSTUArray arr) = getBounds arr
  getNumElements (NTSTUArray arr) = getNumElements arr
  newArray (a,b) e = NTSTUArray <$> newArray (a,b) (coerce e)
  newArray_ (a,b) = NTSTUArray <$> newArray_ (a,b)
  unsafeNewArray_ (a,b) = NTSTUArray <$> unsafeNewArray_ (a,b)
  unsafeRead (NTSTUArray arr) i = coerce <$> unsafeRead arr i
  unsafeWrite (NTSTUArray arr) i e = unsafeWrite arr i (coerce e)

instance (MArray IOUArray (UType e) IO, Coercible e (UType e))
       => MArray NTIOUArray e IO where
  getBounds (NTIOUArray arr) = getBounds arr
  getNumElements (NTIOUArray arr) = getNumElements arr
  newArray (a,b) e = NTIOUArray <$> newArray (a,b) (coerce e)
  newArray_ (a,b) = NTIOUArray <$> newArray_ (a,b)
  unsafeNewArray_ (a,b) = NTIOUArray <$> unsafeNewArray_ (a,b)
  unsafeRead (NTIOUArray arr) i = coerce <$> unsafeRead arr i
  unsafeWrite (NTIOUArray arr) i e = unsafeWrite arr i (coerce e)

Now, you should be able to use NTIOUArray and NTSTUArray in place of the usual IOUArray and STUArray for both built-in and your newtype element types:

main = do
  x <- newArray (1,10) (MyInt 0) :: IO (NTIOUArray Int MyInt)
  y <- newArray (1,10) 0         :: IO (NTIOUArray Int Int)
  readArray x 5 >>= writeArray y 8 . coerce

Any IArray instances can be generated automatically using via deriving (which works because the element type is the last argument to the IArray constraint):

deriving via MyBool instance IArray UArray MyBool
deriving via MyInt instance IArray UArray MyInt

or you could use the same technique above with an NTIArray newtype.

Some sample code:

{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving,
    MultiParamTypeClasses, StandaloneDeriving, TypeFamilies, UndecidableInstances #-}

import Data.Coerce (coerce, Coercible)
import Data.Array.Base
import Data.Array.IO
import Control.Monad.ST (ST)

newtype MyBool = MyBool Bool deriving (Show)
newtype MyInt = MyInt Int deriving (Show)

-- newtype arrays
type family UType e where
  UType MyBool = Bool
  UType MyInt = Int
  UType a = a
newtype NTSTUArray s i e = NTSTUArray (STUArray s i (UType e))
newtype NTIOUArray i e = NTIOUArray (IOUArray i (UType e))

deriving via MyBool instance IArray UArray MyBool
deriving via MyInt instance IArray UArray MyInt

instance (MArray (STUArray s) (UType e) (ST s), Coercible e (UType e))
       => MArray (NTSTUArray s) e (ST s) where
  getBounds (NTSTUArray arr) = getBounds arr
  getNumElements (NTSTUArray arr) = getNumElements arr
  newArray (a,b) e = NTSTUArray <$> newArray (a,b) (coerce e)
  newArray_ (a,b) = NTSTUArray <$> newArray_ (a,b)
  unsafeNewArray_ (a,b) = NTSTUArray <$> unsafeNewArray_ (a,b)
  unsafeRead (NTSTUArray arr) i = coerce <$> unsafeRead arr i
  unsafeWrite (NTSTUArray arr) i e = unsafeWrite arr i (coerce e)

instance (MArray IOUArray (UType e) IO, Coercible e (UType e))
       => MArray NTIOUArray e IO where
  getBounds (NTIOUArray arr) = getBounds arr
  getNumElements (NTIOUArray arr) = getNumElements arr
  newArray (a,b) e = NTIOUArray <$> newArray (a,b) (coerce e)
  newArray_ (a,b) = NTIOUArray <$> newArray_ (a,b)
  unsafeNewArray_ (a,b) = NTIOUArray <$> unsafeNewArray_ (a,b)
  unsafeRead (NTIOUArray arr) i = coerce <$> unsafeRead arr i
  unsafeWrite (NTIOUArray arr) i e = unsafeWrite arr i (coerce e)

main = do
  x <- newArray (1,10) (MyInt 0) :: IO (NTIOUArray Int MyInt)
  y <- newArray (1,10) 0         :: IO (NTIOUArray Int Int)
  readArray x 5 >>= writeArray y 8 . coerce
  x' <- freeze x :: IO (UArray Int MyInt)
  y' <- freeze y :: IO (UArray Int Int)
  print $ (x' ! 5, y' ! 8)

foo :: ST s (NTSTUArray s Int MyInt)
foo = newArray (1,10) (MyInt 0)
like image 42
K. A. Buhr Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 05:11

K. A. Buhr