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One processing conduit, 2 IO sources of the same type

In my GHC Haskell application utilizing stm, network-conduit and conduit, I have a strand for each socket which is forked automatically using runTCPServer. Strands can communicate with other strands through the use of a broadcasting TChan.

This showcases how I would like to set up the conduit "chain":

enter image description here

So, what we have here is two sources (each bound to helper conduits which) which produce a Packet object which encoder will accept and turn into ByteString, then send out the socket. I've had a great amount of difficulty with the efficient (performance is a concern) fusing of the two inputs.

I would appreciate if somebody could point me in the right direction.

Since it would be rude of me to post this question without making an attempt, I'll put what I've previously tried here;

I've written/cherrypicked a function which (blocking) produces a Source from a TMChan (closeable channel);

-- | Takes a generic type of STM chan and, given read and close functionality, --   returns a conduit 'Source' which consumes the elements of the channel. chanSource      :: (MonadIO m, MonadSTM m)     => a                    -- ^ The channel     -> (a -> STM (Maybe b)) -- ^ The read function     -> (a -> STM ())        -- ^ The close/finalizer function     -> Source m b chanSource ch readCh closeCh = ConduitM pull     where close     = liftSTM $ closeCh ch           pull      = PipeM $ liftSTM $ readCh ch >>= translate           translate = return . maybe (Done ()) (HaveOutput pull close) 

Likewise, a function to transform a Chan into a sink;

-- | Takes a stream and, given write and close functionality, returns a sink --   which wil consume elements and broadcast them into the channel  chanSink     :: (MonadIO m, MonadSTM m)     => a                 -- ^ The channel     -> (a -> b -> STM()) -- ^ The write function     -> (a -> STM())      -- ^ The close/finalizer function     -> Sink b m () chanSink ch writeCh closeCh = ConduitM sink     where close  = const . liftSTM $ closeCh ch           sink   = NeedInput push close           write  = liftSTM . writeCh ch           push x = PipeM $ write x >> return sink 

Then mergeSources is straightforward; fork 2 threads (which I really don't want to do, but what the heck) which can put their new items into the one list which I then produce a source of;

-- | Merges a list of 'Source' objects, sinking them into a 'TMChan' and returns --   a source which consumes the elements of the channel. mergeSources     :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadSTM m)     => [Source (ResourceT m) a]             -- ^ The list of sources     -> ResourceT m (Source (ResourceT m) a) mergeSources sx = liftSTM newTMChan >>= liftA2 (>>) (fsrc sx) retn     where push c s = s $$ chanSink c writeTMChan closeTMChan           fsrc x c = mapM_ (\s -> resourceForkIO $ push c s) x           retn c   = return $ chanSource c readTMChan closeTMChan 

While I was successful in making these functions typecheck, I was unsuccessful in getting any utilization of these functions to typecheck;

-- | Helper which represents a conduit chain for each client connection serverApp :: Application SessionIO serverApp appdata = do     use ssBroadcast >>= liftIO . atomically . dupTMChan >>= assign ssBroadcast     -- appSource appdata $$ decoder $= protocol =$= encoder =$ appSink appdata     mergsrc $$ protocol $= encoder =$ appSink appdata     where chansrc = chanSource (use ssBroadcast) readTMChan closeTMChan           mergsrc = mergeSources [appSource appdata $= decoder, chansrc]  -- | Structure which holds mutable information for clients data SessionState = SessionState     { _ssBroadcast     :: TMChan Packet -- ^ Outbound packet broadcast channel     }  makeLenses ''SessionState  -- | A transformer encompassing both SessionReader and SessionState type Session m = ReaderT SessionReader (StateT SessionState m)  -- | Macro providing Session applied to an IO monad type SessionIO = Session IO 

I see this method as being flawed anyhow -- there are many intermediate lists and conversions. This can not be good for performance. Seeking guidance.

PS. From what I can understand, this is not a duplicate of; Fusing conduits with multiple inputs , as in my situation both sources produce the same type and I don't care from which source the Packet object is produced, as long as I'm not waiting on one while another has objects ready to be consumed.

PPS. I apologize for the usage (and therefore requirement of knowledge) of Lens in example code.

like image 939
kvanbere Avatar asked May 26 '13 07:05


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1 Answers

I don't know if it's any help, but I tried to implement Iain's suggestion and made a variant of mergeSources' that stops as soon as any of the channels does:

mergeSources' :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m)               => [Source (ResourceT m) a] -- ^ The sources to merge.               -> Int -- ^ The bound of the intermediate channel.               -> ResourceT m (Source (ResourceT m) a) mergeSources' sx bound = do     c <- liftSTM $ newTBMChan bound     mapM_ (\s -> resourceForkIO $                     s $$ chanSink c writeTBMChan closeTBMChan) sx     return $ sourceTBMChan c 

(This simple addition is available here).

Some comments to your version of mergeSources (take them with a grain of salt, it can be I didn't understand something well):

  • Using ...TMChan instead of ...TBMChan seems dangerous. If the writers are faster than the reader, your heap will blow. Looking at your diagram it seems that this can easily happen, if your TCP peer doesn't read data fast enough. So I'd definitely use ...TBMChan with perhaps large but limited bound.
  • You don't need the MonadSTM m constraint. All STM stuff is wrapped into IO with

    liftSTM = liftIO . atomically 

    Maybe this will help you slightly when using mergeSources' in serverApp.

  • Just a cosmetic issue, I found

    liftSTM newTMChan >>= liftA2 (>>) (fsrc sx) retn 

    very hard to read due to its use of liftA2 on the (->) r monad. I'd say

    do     c <- liftSTM newTMChan     fsrc sx c     retn c 

    would be longer, but much easier to read.

Could you perhaps create a self-contained project where it would be possible to play with serverApp?

like image 107
Petr Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 11:09
