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Does reserving capacity incur two allocations or just one?

c++ STL queues, references and segmentation fault

How to get unique pairs of values from a stl set

c++ stl iterator set

storing mem_fun in a standard container

Alternative to template declaration of typedef

c++ templates stl typedef

Does map::iterator yield lvalues?

c++ stl map containers

Is there a good way to search by both key and value?

c++ stl

Logical error in Function template

c++ stl function-templates

Changing value_type of a given STL container

How to do a left join with STL vector and STL algorithms with time complexity better than O(n^2)?

C++ STL: Using derived virtual class as "Strict Weak Ordering" for std::sort()

c++ sorting stl

boost::bind doesn't work with boost::tuple::get<N>()

Integer index-able RAII container for non-copyable type

c++ stl containers

uninitialized move in std::vector

call to constructor can be considered as function declaration?

c++ stl

std::getline does not accept std::back_insert_iterator

c++ stl

string tokenization in C++ including delimiter characters

c++ stl

Writing STL like iterator

Comparator operator in weak_ptr C++

c++ stl c++11 weak-ptr

Confused use of c++ STL iterator

c++ stl iterator