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New posts in static-methods

java : Using Static Method for obtaining Database Connection

java static static-methods

Binary Tree static methods in Java

Calling a static method from NSTimer. Is it possible?

How to reference static method from class variable [duplicate]

How to make static method thread safe?

How to refer current class using decltype in C++11?

In PHP, is it a problem to call a static class function using the -> dereferencer

How many instances are there, of static variables declared in a method?

Java: ExceptionInInitializerError on program startup

What's the point of @staticmethod in Python?

python static-methods

Java: prefer Utility Class depending on a class instance or static methods?

Unit testing, statics, and factories

Generics in return types of static methods and inheritance

How to make the static method thread safe in JAVA?

Call Python object's variable as a function without passing the calling object

Can a Java static initializer call a static method?

Are static methods appropriate for a Linq To SQL DAL?

Are static methods in ASP.NET code-behind classes non-thread-safe?

PHP: How can $this variable inside one class be object of another one?

php oop this static-methods

Grails shell doesn't recompile changed files