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New posts in sql-server-2005

How does Management Studio know to save my T-SQL comments?

Connecting to SQLServer 2005 with adodbapi

Will Delete SQL locks the table which prevents new data insert into SQL Server 2005?

sql sql-server-2005

Problem passing XML Parameter to SQL Server Stored Procedure

xml sql-server-2005

pymssql and placeholders

python sql-server-2005

Persian numbers in SQL Server 2005

TSQL Select Min & Max row when grouping

sql tsql sql-server-2005

Split a row on 2 or more rows depending on a column

How do you priortize multiple triggers of a table?

How do I edit a text field (or ntext) in SQL Server 2000 or 2005 using the GUI?


Ranking of Full Text Search (SQL Server)

Update table using SSIS

Select top one from left outer join

Slow performance of Reporting Services, very fast in QueryAnalyser

Using the same function twice in a query (SQL Server)

Could someone please explain OVER

Delete from multiple tables (linq to sql)

Best optimizing for a large SQL Server table (100-200 Mil records)

Is it possible to query the system databases in SQL server without using the names?

Why can't I update data into database using LINQ to SQL?