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New posts in sql-server-2005

Delete All / Bulk Insert

String.Join in SQL

SQL Get the first occurance of the 15th for a date

How can I sort the output of a generated SQL script?

SQL Email Verification Function using Regex

sql regex sql-server-2005

how to call a stored procedure in where clause of SQL

How to select and update in one query?

Converting SQL2008 RDL file to SQL2005

The data set name is missing in the data region 'DataSetName'

I need a slow query on AdventureWorks (SQL 2005)

Output SQL messages to a Log File

Changing a full-text indexed column within a transaction

How to detect and remove a column that contains only null values?

sql sql-server-2005

Does bcp out maintain row order while exporting into a data file?

sql-server-2005 bcp

Why is using OPENQUERY on a local server bad?

Dynamically call a stored procedure from another stored procedure

Calculate time difference (only working hours) in minutes between two dates

SQL Server View Primary Key

conditional where clause based on a stored procedure parameter?

Which is the best choice in delete-insert vs if-update else-insert?