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New posts in sql-server-2005

udf vs direct sql performance

INSERT multiple rows and OUTPUT original (source) values

sql sql-server-2005 tsql

Computed column index

Create a faster regular expression clr function

Managing website 'event' database


How to return empty groups in SQL GROUP BY clause

Optimize database schema / indexes for faster query result when using LIKE and EXISTS clauses

Is it possible to set an index inside a XML column on SQL Server 2005 / SQL Server 2008?

Slowness at Indexed View for SQL 2005

Creating a SQL Server user with permission to read one view and nothing else - but he can see system views and procedures?

Table with Select Statements, Executing Dynamic SQL and Returning Values

executing a test in sql server 2005

Is it possible to access SQL Server Service Broker from a C# app?

Trying to avoid RBAR! How to correlate an insert on a related table as a set based operation?


SQL Server 2005 Encryption, asp.net and stored procedures

SQL: "Write Protect" row of data possible?

SSAS dimension source table changed - how to propagate changes to analysis server?

sql-server-2005 ssas

Deadlock in SQL Server 2005! Two real-time bulk upserts are fighting. WHY?

The transaction has aborted