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New posts in sql-server-2005

SqlServer and nvarchar(max)

Difference between a inline function and a view

Divide in SQL Server

sql-server-2005 divide

SQL: Why are NULL values filtered out within this where clause?

sql sql-server-2005 tsql

Retrieving data stored as image as string in SQL Server 2005

Three table join with joins other than INNER JOIN

How to approach an ETL mission?

LINKED Server does not return all rows

Recording SQL Server call stack when reporting errors

MapReduce using SQL Server as data source

Structuring large SQL rowset(s) and consuming in .NET

How can I run multiple versions of my application against the same database?

Advice on SQL-Server Query

asp.net sql sql-server-2005

Is it possible to rename an SQL Server 2005 instance

SQL Server 2005 Replication

Get top one record of same FK on date difference

sql sql-server-2005 tsql