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Retrieving data stored as image as string in SQL Server 2005

I need to retrieve an xml file stored as image data in SQL Server.

I am using this query -

    convert(varchar, convert(binary, zd.validcontent)) 
    zonedata zd
    contentitem ci on zd.itemid = ci.itemid
    id = @dpathid 

I get text but but the result returns only a small portion of the xml file -

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="

Please help. Thanks.

like image 781
Lucky Luke2 Avatar asked Jul 11 '13 07:07

Lucky Luke2

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1 Answers

Possible this be helpful for you -

FROM zonedata zd
JOIN contentitem ci ON zd.itemid = ci.itemid
WHERE ID = @dpathid
like image 145
Devart Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 23:10
