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New posts in database-permissions

Revoke particular columns in postgresql

PostgreSQL drop role with default privileges

When would sys.database_permissions contain a row with state = 'R'?

Permissions required to run 'ALTER DATABASE SET SINGLE_USER' statement on SQL Server 2008

SQL Server: permissions to read database diagrams

Can't connect to mysql because there are no users

Creating a SQL Server user with permission to read one view and nothing else - but he can see system views and procedures?

TF246017 Error when opening TFS Administration Console

How do I check which schemata have been granted EXECUTE permission on an Oracle object?

Why does PHP PDO get "SQLSTATE[42000] [1044] Access denied for user" when mysql command line works?

Permission to drop views but not drop tables

How to understand Principals in SQL Server?

Sql server execute permission; failure to apply permissions

Ms Access: Record(s) cannot be read; no read permission on [table]

PHP Access Control System

How to Grant Permission to IMPERSONATE any other user?

How to give access to SQL Server database mail procedures for a Login in a different database?

List of tables that a user has SELECT privilege for in MySQL

ASP.Net Membership.DeleteUser

Allowing a stored procedure to select from a system table using a certificate in SQL Server 2012