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New posts in sql-insert

Postgres upsert using results from select

MySQL - insert if doesn't exist yet

php mysql sql sql-insert

Duplicating parent, child and grandchild records

Android - SQLite ContentResolver insert/delete/update on UI Thread?

How to insert a new line ("\n") character in SQLite?

c++ sqlite newline sql-insert

how to have postgres ignore inserts with a duplicate key but keep going

How to determine which column is implicated in "value too long for type character varying"?

postgresql sql-insert

Get values from RETURNING * within a transaction

Suppress "duplicate key value violates unique constraint" errors

SQL (postgres) RETURNING data from multiple tables after an INSERT INTO / UPDATE

PostgreSQL ON CONFLICT with a WHERE clause

Return id if a row exists, INSERT otherwise

MYSQL inserting multiple rows unexpectedly

Dapper multi insert returning inserted objects

sql sql-insert dapper

Can INSERT [...] ON CONFLICT be used for foreign key violations?

Efficiently duplicate some rows in PostgreSQL table

Reference value of serial column in another column during same INSERT

Fastest way to update a MySQL table if row exists else insert. More than 2 non-unique keys

Generate DEFAULT values in a CTE UPSERT using PostgreSQL 9.3