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New posts in spring-transactions

Spring transaction in service and DAO layers

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/pool/impl/GenericObjectPool

Reading from a JDBC Blob after leaving the Spring transaction

Kotlin's Arrow Either<Exception, X> and transactions

Grails integration tests and transactions

Does Spring @Transactional use any Hibernate cache?

Why does @Transactional isolation level have no effect when updating entities with Spring Data JPA?

unable to catch DataIntegrityViolationException with wrapped transaction

Spring transactionManager is Rolling back, while testexception=[null]!

java spring-transactions

Spring Boot transaction manager timeout

InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: Executing an update/delete query Spring XML to Java config

Understanding transaction session with lazy loading in Spring JPA Hibernate

How to catch transaction exceptions in @Async?

Do @Transactional annotated methods wait for a successful commit in Spring?

TransactionManagementType.CONTAINER vs TransactionManagementType.BEAN

Transaction synchronization in Spring Boot

Optimal @EnableTransactionManagement Configuration