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New posts in spring-transactions

Spring @Transactional method - participating transaction

How to ignore exceptions on delete if database id not exists anymore?

Spring @Transactional Timeout not working as expected

java spring-transactions

Rollback for doubly nested transaction bypasses savepoint

JTATransactionManager Not Committing To Database

How can I ignore spring @Transactional annotation for a specific method when @ActiveProfiles("test")

Transactions issues with spring scheduler & spring batch item writer

What is the default isolation level across nested transactions (instead of concurrent ones)?

Spring @Transactional v Spring Security @Secured inconsistent behaviour

org.springframework.test cannot be resolved also with maven dependency present

An integration test fails when running with other integration tests which have transactional enabled

spring start parallel transactions in integration test

Difference between physical and logical transactions in spring

Does Spring actually start a new transaction with REQUIRES_NEW?

Spring Jedis connection not returned to pool

Spring transactions not working + JAX WS + JDBC

Grails service transactional behaviour