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New posts in spring-transactions

Java 7 try-with-resources using spring transactions results in connection closed when committing

Hibernate and Spring DataSourceTransactionManager

Very simple Spring transactions of JDBC not roll back (even log said yes)

jdbc spring-transactions

Spring transaction management: Cannot resolve reference to bean 'transactionManager'

Spring ampq consumer - "No Session found for current thread" error in first attempt

Spring @Transactional doesn't work for an annotated method when called from within service class

JUnit rollback transaction with @Async method

Spring Data: How to lock a row in a transaction and make other transactions wait until it is released?

No transactional EntityManager available

Spring Transaction Doesn't Rollback

Isolation level SERIALIZABLE in Spring-JDBC

Spring Transactional method not work on separated Thread

Which propagation to use in Spring?

Does Spring close connection after committing transaction?

How to prevent Spring from trying to create indexes during MongoDB transactions?

Testing @TransactionalEvents and @Rollback

Difference between Spring JtaTransactionManager and HibernateTransactionManager

java.lang.ClassCastException: com.sun.proxy.$Proxy0 cannot be cast to org.andrea.myexample.myDeclarativeTransactionSpring.StudentJDBCTemplate

@Transactional Spring not creating a new transaction

How to rollback Spring Transaction when an Exception is thrown