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New posts in spring-test-mvc

Spring using MockMvc Test with CORS filter

Testing Spring 4.0.3 Controller (MVC) with MockMVC

Spring MVC Test Framework - Unsupported Media Type

java spring spring-test-mvc

@Autowire MockMvc - Spring Data Rest

pass remoteUser value in HttpServletRequest to mockmvc perform test

Can I configure MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup() to use my message converter XML configuration?

spring messagesource while testing

Testing Spring Security and MvcMock using a custom UserDetails implementation

Test spring rest controller secured with https

Use MockMVC outside SpringBoot application

Spring MockMvc Fails : No mapping found for HTTP request with URI

Issue with @WithUserDetails and spring boot 1.4 TestEntityManager

Spring Controller Testing. Can't seem to find MockMvcRequestBuilders

Is there a way to use @MockBean annotation while working with Spock framework

Testing Spring controllers using Powermock

How can I debug processing of hibernate.hbm2ddl.import_files value combined with hsqldb?

How to unit test a secured controller which uses thymeleaf (without getting TemplateProcessingException)?