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New posts in spring-annotations

How to configure component-scan by annotation only in Spring?

Spring : @Transactional @Scheduled method throws TransactionException

@Secured does not work in controller, but intercept-url seems to be working fine

Is the @Query annotation in spring SQL Injection safe?

Can you specify multiple @Conditional annotations?

Spring MVC controller inheritance and routing

How to define a Spring bean using annotation instead of XML?

Spring Boot : Spring always assigns default value to property despite of it being present in .properties file

how to read properties file in spring project?

Spring has @Component annotation, what is the real purpose of the annotations @Repository, @Service, @Controller? [duplicate]


Inject parameters to constructor through annotation in Spring

Optional @PropertySource location

Is there any way to override a bean discovered by component scan?

How do @PostFilter and @PreFilter work in Spring Security?

Spring @Value annotated method, use default value when properties not available

Error creating bean with name 'org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping#0' defined in ServletContext resource

Is it possible to guarantee the order in which @PostConstruct methods are invoked?

can anybody explain me difference between class level controller and method level controller..?

Spring boot component scan include a single class [duplicate]

@Autowired - No qualifying bean of type found for dependency at least 1 bean