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New posts in spring-annotations

Spring security 4 @PreAuthorize(hasAuthority()) access denied

Specifying @CrossOrigin orgins via an environment variable

Spring ComponentScan excludeFilters annotation not working in Spring Boot Test context

Autowiring not working in Spring 3.1.2, JUnit 4.10.0

Spring with embedded derby: hibernate dialect deprecation

How do you override a spring bean defined in xml using Annotations?

spring spring-annotations

Multiple spring task executors with annotation-driven spring tasks

Spring framework @Configurable vs @Configuration

spring spring-annotations

Spring boot Persistence Context annotation

Inject a list of beans using Spring @Configuration annotation

@ControllerAdvice overrides exception @ResponseStatus

Inject files as list of resources using wildcard by annotations in Spring

Using Spring Dynamic Languages Support from Groovy Configuration

Is there a way in Spring to autowire all dependencies of a given type?

jetty 9 + JDK 8 + spring 4 Annotations

What is the difference between @RequestMapping and @PostMapping

Testing Spring @MVC annotations

Spring autowired bean causes null pointer

@PropertySource with absolute path to avoid "java.io.FileNotFoundException: Could not open ServletContext resource"

spring spring-annotations