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Is there a way in Spring to autowire all dependencies of a given type?

I'm using annotations-based wiring (ie @Configurable(autowire=Autowire.BY_TYPE)) for a given class, and I'd like to wire all beans of a given type into it as a list:

application context:

    <bean class="com.my.class.FirstConfigurer"/>
    <bean class="com.my.class.SecondConfigurer"/>

class to autowire into:

@Configurable(autowire=Autowire.BY_TYPE) public class Target {
    public void setConfigurers(List<Configurer> configurers) { ... }

All dependencies implement a common interface called Configurer

Is there a way to make this work to have all dependencies of a type wired together in a collection and injected where necessary, or should I define a <list> in XML or something?

like image 987
Naftuli Kay Avatar asked Aug 16 '11 18:08

Naftuli Kay

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Spring expects @Autowired dependencies to be available when the dependent bean is being constructed. If the framework cannot resolve a bean for wiring, it will throw the below-quoted exception and prevent the Spring container from launching successfully: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this dependency.

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This option enables autowire based on bean names. Spring looks up the configuration file for a matching bean name. If found, this bean is injected in the property. However, if no such bean is found, an error is raised. . 3. Autowiring ‘byType’: This option enables the autowire based on bean type.

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The Spring framework enables automatic dependency injection. In other words, by declaring all the bean dependencies in a Spring configuration file, Spring container can autowire relationships between collaborating beans. This is called Spring bean autowiring.

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Finally, we’ll look at @Autowired annotation with its different modes. Spring provides a way to automatically detect the relationships between various beans. This can be done by declaring all the bean dependencies in Spring configuration file.

2 Answers


private List<Configurer> configurers;

works, and you get a list of all beans implementing the interface. (multiple variations - @Inject or @Autowired, field, setter or constructor injection - all work)

like image 161
Bozho Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11


This should work:

public class Target {

    public void setConfigurers(List<Configurer> configurers) { ... }


This is described in section 3.9.2 of the Spring manual:

It is also possible to provide all beans of a particular type from the ApplicationContext by adding the annotation to a field or method that expects an array of that type [...] The same applies for typed collections.

like image 27
skaffman Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 13:11
