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New posts in split

Using regex to separate individual words?

java c# regex string split

How to split a Python string with numbers and letters?

python string split

Confusions with String's split method

java regex string split

Split string using 2 different delimiters in Bash

regex string bash split ifs

Java- Split String which is alphanumeric

java string split

average an unknown number of responses per respondent; R [duplicate]

r split aggregate

PostgreSQL 9.3: Split one column into multiple

componentsseparatedbystring by multiple separators in Swift

ios swift split string-split

Getting all characters ahead of first appearance of special character in R

r string split

Split doesn't return empty string

ruby split

Split a string and get the second last word

java string split

How to efficiently split a big data.table into two according to a rule that involves 2 columns?

r split data.table

How to get the first line in a paragraph

ios swift string split

Get first word of every line with AWK or SED?

awk sed split

Split a String and get each segment's start index

scala indexing split

Parse comma-separated ints/int-ranges in C++

c++ string parsing split

Python : Splitting a string by numbers, letters and -_

python regex string split

Split at every i-th and j-th char

java regex split

Java equivalent of python's String partition

java python string split

Ruby: OptionParser: String Arg & Hash Assignment