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counting words in string - skipping double space

java string split words counting

using an array to create a string

java arrays split

String splitting in Python

python string split delimiter

Splitting String using split method

Split a String on | (pipe) in Java [duplicate]

java regex string split

Regular expression to split key=value

java regex string split

Perl - Regex to extract only the comma-separated strings

regex perl split www-mechanize

alternative to sapply over strsplit of character vector

string r split

How to split a string from right-to-left, like Python's rsplit()?

r split stringr stringi

How to implement the inverse of "intercalate" (splitting a string into pieces on a character) using functions from "base"?

string list haskell split

Split column label by number of letters/characters in R

regex r split multiple-columns

Split character by more than 1 words

regex string r split

How do i split a number randomly into multiple numbers given the number and n groups?

r split probability addition

split strings on first and last commas

regex string r split

Split words & shuffle / jumble letters

Regexp to capture comma separated values

javascript regex split

Split string into 2 letters

php split strsplit

PowerShell use regular expression to split a string

regex powershell split

Python - split list in to sublists based on another list

python list python-2.7 split

split(" +") and split(" ") are different

java split whitespace