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New posts in specs2

How to use Specs2 with Scalacheck to automate testing of String arguments?

scala specs scalacheck specs2

Writing a test case for file uploads in Play 2.1 and Scala

Play specs with configuration break because "There is no started application"

How do I set the test output to console instead of html in gradle for specs2

gradle specs2

How to show custom failure message in Specs2 (Scala)?

scala matcher specs2

How to run all Specs2 tests under IntelliJ IDEA?

scala intellij-idea specs2

Play Framework Testing using MultipartFormData in a FakeRequest

Unable to test controller using Action.async

Scalatest or specs2 with multiple test cases

scala scalatest specs2

How to assert the type of an object, in specs2

scala types assertions specs2

Play! framework: customize which tests are run

How to stub a method call with an implicit matcher in Mockito and Scala

Execute code before and after specification

scala testing specs2

BDD in Scala - Does it have to be ugly?

scala bdd scalatest specs2

running multiple tests within the same FakeApplication() in play 2.0 scala

Make ScalaCheck tests deterministic

scala specs2 scalacheck

How do you run only a single Spec2 specification with SBT?

scala specs2

How to test methods that return Future?

scala specs2

Parallel execution of tests

scala sbt specs2

Specs2: Ignore specification with a message?

scala testing specs2