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extract() data from raster with small polygons - rounded weights too small

r gis spatial raster r-raster

Solr vs. Sphinx for spatial search

php solr sphinx spatial

Poisson Point Process in Python 3 with numpy, without scipy

python numpy spatial poisson

How to read geography values using hibernate?

Is there a way in R to plot a legend with two axes?

Do I need a spatial index in my database?

Effective data structure for overlapping spatial areas

3D clustering Algorithm

How to improve a spatial raster map using ggplot when compared to spplot?

r map ggplot2 spatial raster

Improve speed/use of gDistance function by using parallel processing and/or plyr/dplyr?

r plyr spatial sp

Laravel model with POINT/POLYGON etc. using DB::raw expressions

Find the nearest X,Y coordinate using R

r coordinates spatial

Overplotting two SpatialPolygonsDataFrames with spplot

r spatial

how do i create a circle Geometry with a radius and co-ordinates of center, using MySQL Spatial Extensions?

mysql spatial spatial-query

Neo4j Spatial 'WithinDistance' Cypher query returns empty while REST call returns data

neo4j spatial

What are the units of distance in gstat variogram?

r spatial

Correct way of finding distance between two coordinates using spatial function in MySql

mysql gis spatial

SpatialLinesDataFrame: how to calculate the min. distance between a point and a line

r gis spatial

Custom placement of spplot legend in the map

r gis spatial lattice sp

Using Dapper with SQL Spatial Types as a parameter