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Is there an implementation for SqlGeometryBuilder ?

distance between two points across land using sql server

using STDistance in SQL server to find shortest path in graph

Does SQL Server support measuring distance via routes?

sql-server tsql gis spatial

Upgrade from LatLonType to LatLonPointSpatialField

Spatial Join in Entity Framework

Calculating the outer boundary of several Geometry objects in SQL Server 2008

In R, how to average spatial points data over spatial grid squares

r spatial

Using DbGeography Tyes with Entity Framework 7 and vNext

Import ORACLE SDO_GEOMETRY to SQL Server Geometry

How to account for CSR and clustering in uniform spatial data?

r geospatial spatial

How to predict test data using a GAM with MRF smooth and neighborhood structure?

Find closest points (lat / lon) from one data set to a second data set

How to convert a spatial dataframe back to normal dataframe?