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New posts in spark-streaming

Combining Spark Streaming + MLlib

Read Kafka topic in a Spark batch job

How does back pressure property work in Spark Streaming?

What causes "unknown resolver null" in Spark Kafka Connector?

How to use Spark Streaming to read a stream and find the IP over a time Window?

Spark streaming reads file twice from NFS

In-order processing in Spark Streaming

Kryo: deserialize old version of class

How to submit multiple spark jobs to single AWS EMR cluster

What is spark.streaming.receiver.maxRate? How does it work with batch interval

Spark Scala Get Data Back from rdd.foreachPartition

com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: Jackson version is too old 2.5.3

How to make Spark Streaming (Spark 1.0.0) read the latest data from Kafka (Kafka Broker 0.8.1)

How to configure automatic restart of the application driver on Yarn

how to stream data out of a cassandra table?

write an RDD into HDFS in a spark-streaming context

Dynamic Allocation for Spark Streaming

How to read json data using scala from kafka topic in apache spark

how to specify consumer group in Kafka Spark Streaming using direct stream

How does Spark-submit in cluster deploy mode manage the application Jars