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New posts in software-quality

Embedded Software Defect Rate

How to bring coordination between file system and database?

Is testing constructor too much?

FindBugs - "may fail to close stream" when using ObjectOutputStream

Java exceptions wrapping: bad practice?

What interview questions should a developer ask a tester?


How do you ensure that you as programmer have written quality C code?

c software-quality

How would you measure code "quality" across a large project


How to find potential unchecked exceptions in Java?

What is the most convincing way to require formalized unit testing?

Does software quality really matter for Application Developer - *Practically*? [closed]


Is using Redux Hooks instead of connect() good design?

What are good ways to test a login page?

Software Development Costs Pyramid [closed]


What is the advantage to use the Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FxCopAnalyzers nuget over the default Managed Binary Analysis ruleset?

How do I go about building a test plan for our QA department?

testing qa software-quality

Comparison of static code analysis tools in Linux? [closed]

c linux software-quality

Manual testing Vs Automated testing [closed]

QA vs Development Ratio [closed]

software-quality qa