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How can getter/setter code be generated automatically for a class in Pharo or Squeak?

Why does Squeak use Colors to identify Mouse Buttons? [closed]

Smalltalk with GUI on Mac OS X Lion (10.7)

What is the difference between image generation and image stripping in Smalltalk?


Using a virtual machine inside of a game?

How to search for a string inside a class in Squeak smalltalk ? How about inside a package?

smalltalk squeak

Glorp and Oracle: limiting query result

oracle limit smalltalk

How to undo > 1 in Squeak

smalltalk undo squeak

Why certain block closure optimization is good and valid?


Translating code from Python to Smalltalk

What are process-specific variables?

Questions about GemStone/S [closed]

Amber and localstorage, asJSON?

What's the semantics of return from block inside ensured blocks?


How to prevent Pharo from executing a #startUp-Method of a class?

startup smalltalk pharo

Pharo / Squeak environment with dual screens

How can I add an item in the World-menu of Pharo 4.0?

smalltalk pharo squeak

Exit program in smalltalk?

smalltalk pharo

Smalltalk web app deployment on headless Linux server

smalltalk seaside pharo

What's the difference between Polymorph and Spec?

smalltalk pharo morphic