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New posts in sizeof

Why is sizeof('3') == 4 using the GCC compiler? [duplicate]

c gcc char sizeof

Assign result of sizeof() to ssize_t

c posix sizeof

Difference between sizeof(*ptr) and sizeof(struct)

c sizeof

sizeof continues to return 4 instead of actual size

c++ sizeof

why constant size of struct despite having a vector of int

c++ struct sizeof

How do we find the output of the following C program?

c pointers sizeof

How to get the size of an object via reference?

c++ reference sizeof

Is sizeof(int) guaranteed to equal sizeof(void*)

c sizeof

What determines the size of integer in C? [duplicate]

c++ c sizeof

What does sizeof(int) return in this case?

c++ c sizeof turbo-c++

Size of empty vector

Difference between sizeof(char) and sizeof(char *)

c malloc sizeof

Inconsistent sizeof behavior in C [duplicate]

c arrays sizeof

Size of struct containing double field

c struct sizeof

struct sizeof result not expected

c++ struct sizeof

In C, does sizeof measures its result in octet bytes or chars?

c char sizeof

Getting the size of an indiviual field from a c++ struct field

c++ struct field sizeof

what does sizeof() check as sentinel value for int array[] in c

c arrays sizeof

Is it really harmless to use sizeof(p[0]) no matter initialized or not?

c++ sizeof

What is a common C/C++ macro to determine the size of a structure member?

c++ sizeof