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Sitecore license on Deployment


Sitecore authenticate users against external membership database

What are the advantages of using XSL in Sitecore instead of C#?

xslt sitecore sitecore6

In Sitecore, when adding a field to a template, there's a checkbox called "shared". What's it for?

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How to render link with css class with Sitecore Glass Mapper

GeneralLink in Sitecore

c# asp.net sitecore

Sitecore 7.1 MVC Rendering Helper passing variables

urllink in Sitecore indexs returns media url with "/sitecore/shell/~/media/..."

Schema for the <project> XML in a Sitecore package

sitecore sitecore6

How to maintain Sitecore Lucene indexes in huge content delivery webfarm?

sitecore sitecore6 lucene

Get media url including server part

c# sitecore

Glass Mapper: InferType is ignored when querying the SitecoreContext

Sitecore CMS Creating new user and role

Sitecore MVC Rendering type clarification

Beginner tutorial for Sitecore8 developer [closed]


Annoying issue with sitecore workflows and standard value inheritance

Sitecore: How to access same field name in different sections


Adding unversioned files to subversion

Sitecore Multiple Sites - Using Wildcards With hostName Attribute
