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Beginner tutorial for Sitecore8 developer [closed]



I come from an ASP.Net (no mvc knowledge) background and would like to learn Sitecore 8 development.

Looking for basic step-by-step tutorials to build a site. But its hard finding them online. Some are for lower versions and the official site has articles on individual topics.

Kindly point me to any such articles that will help me learn the basics of building a Site for Sitecore8.

Thank you.

Here is a tutorial I've written, which will help beginners learn Sitecore development, by building a sample website:


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Qwerty Avatar asked Aug 13 '15 12:08


1 Answers

There is plenty of information regarding Sitecore in the internet for a quick start. I would recommend just few of them:


https://www.cmssource.co.uk/blog/2012/June/basic-sitecore-development-tutorial-part-1-introduction https://sitecorebasics.wordpress.com/2011/05/13/basics-of-sitecore-for-beginner-developers/

You will need to understand how to create pages, how data templates work and presentation details like layouts and renderings and other fundamentals

https://doc.sitecore.net/sitecore%20experience%20platform/creating%20and%20editing%20items https://www.cmssource.co.uk/blog/2012/June/basic-sitecore-development-tutorial-part-6-layout-and-sublayout-implementation

You will also need to find out some architecture basics about Sitecore, like content management and delivery servers and databases used for that (core, master, web). What is publishing and how it works, and why is it important.


Also it would be very benefocious to understand Experience Editor (previously called Page Editor) and what are the particularities of creating pages to support it; as well as the advantages it brings to business users.


There are also some differences in MVC approach you need to understand before doing Sitecore with MVC. You need to understand View Renderings and Controller Renderings, as well as how the routing works in Sitecore MVC.

http://sitecore.unic.com/2015/06/24/the-sitecore-mvc-puzzle/ http://www.sitecore.net/learn/blogs/technical-blogs/john-west-sitecore-blog/posts/2015/02/how-is-sitecore-mvc-different-from-aspnet-mvc.aspx http://www.sitecore.net/learn/blogs/business-blogs/technical-trends/posts/2012/06/mvc-and-sitecore-651-overview.aspx

There are other aspects of Sitecore you may need to understand: workflows, caching, indexing, pipelines, events, sitecore security model etc. Generally, speaking, the question you asked is to wide even to answer that by sharing the links. But those I quoted is enough to start

There are many YouTube channels that may be much more helpful for the beginner:





Also, if you budget allow that, you may consider to take official training courses - they are quite helpful for the beginners. http://www.sitecore.net/services-and-support/training.aspx

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Martin Miles Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 14:10

Martin Miles