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New posts in single-responsibility-principle

When do you violate SRP (Single Reponsibility Principle)?

Correct approach when SRP violation seems to pass complexity down the chain

ASP.NET MVC - when SRP and DRY appear to conflict

What does the single responsibility principle mean for validation

Facade pattern vs. SRP

Doesn't having more than 1 method break the Single Responsibility Principle?

How to apply Single Responsibility Principle to a service class

SRP & "axis of change"?

Single Responsibility Principle(SRP) and my Service Class

Does one child implementing an interface, but another not, violate the Liskov Substitution Principle?

SOLID - does Single responsibility principle apply to methods in a class?

Does Singleton violate the single responsibility principle?

Confused about Single Responsibility Principle in the following example

Send data in multiple ways depending on how you want to send it

Write programs that do one thing and do it well

How to hide logic behind a class to improve readability of method and refactor class to follow SRP?

Single Responsibility Principle in OOP

Does the Single Responsibility Principle work in OOP?

Symfony2 Form component - violating MVC and SRP?

ASP.NET MVC: Authorization inside an Action - Suggested Patterns or this is a smell?