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New posts in sinatra

How to get current path/route in Sinatra?

ruby path sinatra render

Are there any potential disadvantages in using a Ruby framework other than Rails?

Can I inherit an erb template?

ruby inheritance sinatra erb

How to start and stop a Sinatra application using Thin on Windows?

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error happens when I try "all" method in datamapper

sinatra datamapper

Using Rack::Session::Pool with Sinatra

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ruby 1.9 + sinatra incompatible character encodings: ASCII-8BIT and UTF-8

ruby encoding sinatra erb utf-8

generating css file from new sass format (scss) with sinatra and haml

ruby sinatra haml sass

Display Sinatra Basic HTTP Auth On One Page Only

ruby sinatra

Sinatra Sessions Not Persisting as Expected

Should I be using Rails or Ruby for this website application? How?

ruby-on-rails ruby sinatra drb

Sidekiq server not loading configuration file

ruby sinatra sidekiq

Robust way to deploy a Rack application (Sinatra)

Neat way to conditionally test whether to add a class in HAML template [duplicate]

ruby views sinatra haml

Is a global variable defined inside a Sinatra route shared between requests?

ruby routing sinatra

How do I config.ru properly in modular Sinatra application.?

ruby sinatra rack

Call Sinatra erb from another class

ruby sinatra